Link Cemetary...

Skull Animation
Rhodesia Page Alistair's Ofoto Album
Pictures of some Rhodesiana - Stamps, Coins, Coupons, Documents, Letters
Covos Day Books
"...Covos Day is, to some extent internationally, known for identifying and filling with titles as gripping as Fireforce - One Mans War in the Rhodesian Light Infantry, Pamwe Chete, Vlamgat, and We Fear naught but God." (This link is live, but the site seems largely broken.)
Covos Day Book
Rhodesian Videos Project
Another commercial site specializing in Rhodesian video tapes.
E-Mail the authors at
Flame Lily
The Indaba Rhodesian Library
The Indaba Rhodesian Library publishes old Rhodesian books online for those who are no longer able to find copies of the originals.
Indaba Rhodesian Library
Rhodesian Military Maps

"... a large collection of Rhodesian Military Maps produced by the Rhodesian Intelligence Corps Mapping and Research Unit during the 1970's."

"A site for veterans to share their experiences, and to help build a living war memorial for students, teachers & historians. Includes media reviews."
Many articles and links about Rhodesia...
Last Light in the Valley
"Action! War! Excitement! Help us bring to life Conrad K.s adventure about the last wild colonial boys in Africa!"
Undernet: #Rhodesia Undernet
The USA branch of Rhodesians Worldwide
For Rhodesians everywhere to use to re-establish lost contacts and to strengthen and maintain the bond that residents of Rhodesia formed during the turbulent years.
Stanley Portal Hyatt Home Page: Chivamba's Kraal
On-line book site with full texts of: "The Diary of a Soldier of Fortune", in which Mr. Hyatt (1877-1914) relates his experiences in Australia, Rhodesia, and the Philippines. "The Northward Trek", contains a Rhodesian history.
Stanley Portal Hyatt
Alec Kaplan & Son
A commercial site specializing in Rhodesian collectibles & memorabila. Offered are badges, medals, coins, books, etc.
BSAP Arm Patch
Images of a War
"These images ... though they may be scratched, with the colours bleeding and faded, are most treasured..."
Bulawayo in Pictures
Pictures of Bulawayo - By a friend I met on IRC. Here is her home page.
Centenniel Park Fountain
Know your Rhodesia and Know Nyasaland

"An Internet version of the 1956 book edited by N. S. Ferris and containing articles first published by The Rhodesia Herald."
Borrowdale Dan's Africa!
"A Pictographical Web Site of a Country that used to be called Rhodesia."
Kevin's Rhodesian Interactive Media Page -or- Private Rhodesians

An interactive medium for Rhodesians requiring only your browser.
WBS Logo
Rhodesians At War
Tom Henshaw's page about the war period
Ian Smith
Rhodesian Light Infantry Page
A database of RLI personnel and their families
RLI Shield
Rhodesian Consulate General, Sydney, Australia
A site that has a variety of interesting features including a currency page and a variety of historical notes about various aspects of Rhodesia.
Rhodesian Embassy in Thailand
The former ambassador to Tokyo is now the ambassador to Thailand. " The embassy aims to give "advice to Rhodesians and others planning to visit or reside in Thailand..."
Skuzapo Web Site
A site dedicated to photography, though it also has a Rhodesia section which includes pictures of a military plaque collection amongst other things. (It's not really a dead link, but its not Rhodesian anymore.)
Rhodesia - Paradise in Africa
"A visual account of many of the places the author has been to and seen in Rhodesia. There are images of Bulawayo, the Matopos, the Eastern Highlands, Kariba, Victoria Falls, Army related (1 Indep coy, R.A.R.), money, and stamps."
South African Exiles Web Site
The South African Exiles Web Site welcomes all South African and Rhodesian expatriates (as well as other friends of these countries) who wish to see the re-establishment of civilized rule in Southern Africa.
Springbok on shield
The Flak Jacket Collection
Not exactly a Rhodesian site, but as the author says: "I write war poetry and some of my stuff features poems about Rhodesia..."
Free the Harare 3

"This site is dedicated to increasing public awareness of the plight of the last three political prisoners from the South African apartheid era"
[ WT_flamelily ]
An autobiography in the making...
"... a big Jacaranda tree in her garden that used to drop its violet flowers everywhere around, about two inches thick. Then afterwards that would all go soft and turn into brown cigar-coloured sludge that was slippery to walk on..."

Embassy of Rhodesia in Iceland
Another collection of articles and information on issues Rhodesian...
Rhodesian Clocks
A business site with a unique product. "Not so much a business, more a love affair both with clocks and the country."
Carriage clock
Bottle Cap Pages Bottle Cap Collecting
The Crown Cap Page
Arc's Beercap Page
Sergi Brunet Caps Collection
Bottle Cap's Collectors
Not much here, but there is a picture of a few caps in a collection
Bottle Cap's Collectors
Bottle Cap Sculpture
Pieces made from wood and pressed bottlecaps. "Folk-art sculptures by Chloe Lockett Frost" are for sale and custom creations may be requested.
Flag sculpture
A Polish Beermat Collector's Caps
"I collect beermats (beercoasters). I can offer to you someone beercaps against coasters from your country. Traders look here."
Polish cap
Caesar's Bottle Cap Collecting Page
"I have started this site to help increase my bottle cap collection. I just collect beer caps and will trade for ones I need. Join and look at my collection...
Beer cap
Bottle Cap Jewelry
Self described as "A Vanishing Cultural Artifact"...
Zimbabwe Page ZimNet or Alternate ZimNet Page
A list for Zimbabweans and those interested in the country
Zimbabwean Links Directory and Search Engine.
The Team Zimbabwe Project!
" ... Aiming to provide the infomation and resources neccessary for people to begin a new life in Zimbabwe."
4WI Sportscity
"The largest and most comprehensive Zimbabwe Sports web site" - Bongai Zamchiya 4WI
zim_team.jpg - 28582 Bytes
WebChron: The WebChronology Project - Great Zimbabwe
Article on Great Zimbabwe
Great Zimbabwe
Africa Search: Your Fast track to all African hyperlinks.
A page of links and such...
Zambia Page Phil's Zambia Pages
This page has a collection of various images, some are quite remarkable.
Zambia Silhouette
Zambian Reunions
We are a group of friends that were raised on the sunny Copperbelt in the 70's and 80's. We get together in the UK once a year to catch up on current news, drink lots of beer and have a laugh about the good old days. The main purpose of this web site is to help track down those friends that we have lost touch with and to improve the current directory of names and addresses that we already have with the aim of getting as many old friends to the reunion as possible.
Zambian Reunions
Experimental University of Zambia Mailing List
Hippo road sign
Anything to do with Zambia: politics, economics, agriculture, the news media, drought, salaula, latest trends, etc, etc, etc.
Africa, Zambia highlighted
specifically for the discussion of issues which relate to the University of Zambia (UNZA) and the Copperbelt University.
Africa Search: Your Fast track to all African hyperlinks.
Another cool page... A Zambian search page...
Go Zambia
A very polished and informative set of pages
Wavy Zambian Flag
A link to a site local to the area I used to live near (before the internet came to town):
Choma Drop-In Center
[ CDIC ]
Zambia Start Page
A page full of nothing but Zambia-related links. The main page also has some interesting links, and points to quite a few nice pictures.
[ Sculpture ]
A link to a site local to the area I used to live near (before the internet came to town):
Choma Museum and Crafts Center
[ CDIC ]
Zambia News Agency
" The Zambia News Agency was born in 1969 out of a need to have development activities taking place around the country reflected to the Zambian Public."
[ ZANA ]
Steam Locomotives from when I lived there. [ Blank ]
Show me the money! [ Blank ]
Business Page ProTech Computer Services L.C.

"ProTech was founded to fill this basic, but crucial, need in the East Texas computer business -- good, timely, and reliable computer repair and upgrade services.", Jason Bolt, Owner. (This site is still on-line, but the company is no longer operating as a business.)

ProTech Logo
Texas Page Texas Our Texas
A largely textual site with a Texas-sized portion of information and interesting tidbits about this great state.

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