Kevin's Texas Information, & Links Page

State of Texas

State Song

   "Texas, Our Texas"

   Texas, Our Texas! all hail the mighty State!
   Texas, Our Texas! so wonderful so great!
   Boldest and grandest, withstanding ev'ry test
   O Empire wide and glorious, you stand supremely blest.


   Texas, O Texas! your freeborn single star,
   Sends out its radiance to nations near and far,
   Emblem of Freedom! it set our hearts aglow,
   With thoughts of San Jacinto and glorious Alamo.


   Texas, dear Texas! from tyrant grip now free,
   Shines forth in splendor, your star of destiny!
   Mother of heroes, we come your children true,
   Proclaiming our allegiance, our faith, our love for you.


   God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
   That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.
   God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong,
   That you may grow in power and worth, throughout the ages long.

"Texas, Our Texas", the official state song of Texas, was adopted by the Legislature in 1929 after being selected in a state-wide competition. It was composed by William J. Marsh of Fort Worth. The lyrics were written by Marsh and Gladys Yoakum Wright.

State Flower

Lupinus texensis

Named for its color and, it is said, the resemblance of its petal to a woman's sunbonnet, the bluebonnet is the state flower of Texas. It blooms in the early spring and can be readily found in fields and along the roadsides throughout central and south Texas.

Scientifically named Lupinus texensis, the bluebonnet is also called buffalo clover, wolf flower, and (by the Mexicans) el conejo. It was adopted as the official state flower by the Texas Legislature in 1901.

State Government
The State of Texas

The official site of the State of Texas.

Texas State Seal
The Office of the Texas Secretary of State

"The Secretary serves as Chief Election Officer for Texas, assisting county election officials and ensuring the uniform application and interpretation of election laws throughout Texas. The Office of the Secretary of State also provides a repository for official and business and commercial records required to be filed with the Office. The Secretary publishes government rules and regulations and commissions notaries public."

First Texas Republic Flag
About Texas
Lone Star Junction

"... a Texas history resource provided for the benefit of both Texans and "foreigners" alike.a Texas history resource provided for the benefit of both Texans and "foreigners" alike."

Texas shaped medal
Things to do... things to see...
The Alamo

It gives one an interesting sense of scale to visit the Alamo. It is such a big icon in Texas history that the smallness of the site affords one a chance to consider whether one might stand for anything with death in such close proximity as did those besieged within this place so long ago.

USS Lexington Aircraft Carrier Museum

In the same way that the Alamo gives one a chance to reflect, this World War II carrier does as well. It is truly hard to imagine being on board during the fierce battles that made up the Pacific conflict.

Nimitz Museum

I never really thought I liked history, but during college, I took a World War II course. I loved it. We took a field trip here, and I loved it too. They say history repeats itself. It would be nice to think that it was possible for that to not always be the case.

Sea World, San Antonio

San Antonio is a fine city with many places worth seeing, but Sea World is one that is extra special to this family ... a fantastically exciting ride on the front row seats of the Great White roller coaster was the beginning of a very special day that is documented in a special e-mail that Kim has kept to this very day. It was a key part of the beginning of our family.

Laredo, Texas

Laredo is also of special significance to our family. After the momentous trip to Sea World, Kevin came here to finish up his special day at what was a special restaurant (Pelican's Wharf) that unfortunately was sold and eventually closed. We came back to Laredo for our first anniversary.

You may have heard that six flags have flown over Texas, but did you know that seven flags have flown over Laredo? The seventh was the Flag of the Republic of the Rio Grande.

If there is any way possible, stay at La Posada. We recommend it highly, though the same cannot be said for the labyrinth of one-way streets around this area of town.

Take a note to be aware of parking hours. A "parking attendant" will be happy to relieve you of your cash during free hours.

Longview, Texas

Ok, ok, so the City of Longview probably isn't really a tourist trap, but, it is my home town, and there are a few things to check out if you are in the area.

You might find the Convention and Visitor's Bureau helpful for figuring out how to make the most of a visit, and

consider yourself invited to the Church of the Nazarene any time.

It is worth checking out the the Great Texas Balloon Race. Next time you see a balloon glow, remember it was invented right here in Longview.

In Memorium...
Dead Links Page

Links that used to be on this page that no longer work. If "The Way Back Machine" backed up the site, the dead links page might contain a pointer to the archived site.

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Last edited: April 15th, 2014
Maintainer: Kevin R. Bulgrien
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