Kevin's Zimbabwean Information, & Links Page

Flag of Zimbabwe

National Anthem

   Blessed be the Land of Zimbabwe
      O lift high the banner, the flag of Zimbabwe
      The symbol of freedom proclaiming victory;
      We praise our heros' sacrifice,
      And vow to keep our land from foes;
      And may the Almighty protect and bless our land.
     O lovely Zimbabwe, so wondrously adorned
     With mountains, and rivers cascading, flowing free;
     May rain abound, and fertile fields;
     May we be fed, our labour blessed;
     And may the Almighty protect and bless our land.
     O God, we beseech Thee to bless our native land;
     The land of our fathers bestowed upon us all;
     From Zambezi to Limpopo
     May leaders be exemplary;
     And may the Almighty protect and bless our land.
Ndebele Shona
      Phakamisan iflegi yethu yeZimbabwe
      Eyazalwa yimpi yenkululeko;
      Legaz' elinengi lamaqhawe ethu
      Silivikele ezithan izonke;
      Kalibusisiwe ilizwe leZimbabwe.
      Khangelan' iZimbabwe yon' ihlotshiwe
      Ngezintaba lang' miful' ebukekayo,
      Izulu kaline, izilimo zande;
      Iz' sebenzi zenam', abantu basuthe;
      Kalibusisiwe ilizwe leZimbabwe.
      Nkosi busis' ilizwe lethu leZimbabwe
      Ilizwe labokhokho bethu thina sonke;
      Kusuk' eZambezi kusiy' eLimpopo
      Abakhokheli babe lobuqotho;
      Kalibusisiwe ilizwe leZimbabwe.
      Simudzai mureza wedu weZimbabwe
      Yakazvarwa nomoto wechimurenga;
      Neropa zhinji ramagamba
      Tiidzivirire kumhandu dzose;
      Ngaikomborerwe nyika yeZimbabwe.
      Tarisai Zimbabwe nyika yakashongedzwa
      Namakomo, nehova, zvinoyevedza
      Mvura ngainaye, minda ipe mbesa
      Vashandi vatuswe, ruzhinji rugutswe;
      Ngaikomborerwe nyika yeZimbabwe.
      Mwari ropafadzai nyika yeZimbabwe
      Nyika yamadzitateguru edu tose;
      Kubva Zambezi kusvika Limpopo,
      Navatungamiri vave nenduramo;
      Ngaikomborerwe nyika yeZimbabwe.

National Flower


GLORIOSA ROTHSCHILDIANA is a native to tropical Africa. It is known as the "flame lily" in Zimbabwe. The large, claw like flowers open yellow and red and then change to a rich claret edged with gold. Their fascination lies in the way the pendulous buds turn up in a 180 degree curve and then down again. It is a very successful cut-flower that will last two weeks. A mature tuber can give up to 25 blooms. It can grow up to 1.8 meters tall and climbs using tendrils at the ends of the leaves to hold on.


If you want to see where Zimbabwe is, look at this map ...

For major cities and geographical features, you can look at this map ...

Usenet soc.culture.zimbabwe
Not very active, but both Rhodesians & Zimbabweans attend
Flame Lily
Web Sites My Rhodesia Page
Rhodesian sites can give lots of historical information
Rhodesian Arms
Embassy of Zimbabwe
The Embassy of Zimbabwe in Washington D.C.
Zim bird over a star
Zimbabwe Observer
A news site with many features.
Zimbabwe Observer Logo
The Zimbabwean
A voice for the voiceless...
The Zimbabwean
Zimbabwe Independent Online
A source for current affairs news inside Zimbabwe
Zim Independent logo
Zimloxion Radio
"Zimbabwe's #1 Online Radio... Listen Now 24/7"
Zimloxion Radio
"Zim Loyalty is a place where Zimbabweans can meet in a positive and safe environment online."
Great Zimbabwe
African Tears
"This site is dedicated to a true African, her name is Cathy Buckle. I have never met her but I share her profound love for the people and a country called Zimbabwe."
African Tears Book
Zimbabwe Democracy Trust
"The Zimbabwe Democracy Trust (ZDT) is a non-partisan pro-democracy group set up to campaign internationally for the rights of Zimbabweans to live in civic peace and freedom."
Zimbabwe Democracy Trust
Zimbabwe Vigil Coalition
"The Vigil, outside the Zimbabwe Embassy, London, will take place every Saturday from 12.00 to 18.00* to protest against gross violations of human rights by the current regime in Zimbabwe.v."
Zimbabwe Vigil Coalition
Site for news, searching, personals, school registry, etc.
A Zimbabwean blogger's site
"the home of zimbabwean entertainment"
Index on Africa - Zimbabwe
A Norwegian Council on Africa site for demographics and other data on Zimbabwe
Embossed globe labeled Africa
African Studies - Zimbabwe
University of Pennsylvania's African Studies Resources
Earth from space - Africa
Zimbabwe Medical Graduates Worldwide
Web site for MBChB and Pharmacy graduates of the Godfrey Huggins School of Medicine, University of Zimbabwe
UofZim Medical School Arms
Africa's Wildest Web Wildlife travel destinations, safaris, hotels, accommodation, tours, animals, game reserves ... Great Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force "The Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force was formed in April 2001 by a group of Zimbabweans, who were desperately concerned about the unacceptable levels of poaching as well as the destruction of the environment due to the break down of law and order in Zimbabwe." Snares
The Rodrigues Family Website supports conservation efforts in Zimbabwe. "The members of the Rodrigues family — Cheryl Rodrigues, her daughter Lorraine Randall and son Shane Rodigues — are talented painters. Through their beauitful images they seek to bring attention to the tragic loss and to help protect the remaining animals." Three Elephants
WildNet Africa - Your Link With Africa's Wildlife! A site covering African wildlife. Wildnet Africa
Peterhouse and Petrean Society
Peterhouse is an Anglican boarding school at Marondera, Zimbabwe and comprises Peterhouse Boys', Peterhouse Girls' and the Preparatory School, Springvale House.
Petrean Crown
Zimbabwe In The News

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Last edited: April 15th, 2014
Maintainer: Kevin R. Bulgrien
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