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What is a Bottle or Crown Cap Collection?
  1. A collection of unique "press-fit" tops from beverage bottles ("crown caps").
  2. Twist-off caps are okay as long as they are the press-fit style (unthreaded).
  3. Crowns are considered unique if:
    1. Top: & Rim: Metal finish, original coloring, graphics, or text differs.
      Post-bottling text differences like "freshness dates" are not considered.
    2. Bottom: Cork material or printing on the cork (sweepstakes style)
      differs. At this time I do not consider mold numbering on a plastic
      cork material to be sufficient to make the crown unique.
  4. Caps are categorized by brand name, and subcategorized by beverage name.
  5. Bent, deformed, or damaged caps are not excluded from the collection.
  6. Caps saved for trading are not included in the collection size count.
Why do you ask?
How Many Crown Caps?
Category Subcategory Qty. More
to come
Africa Republic of South Africa 26 Yes GO
Rhodesia 95 Yes GO
Zambia 10 Yes GO
Botswana 3 No GO
Malawi 1 No
America (North) Canada 2 Yes GO
USA 22 Yes GO
America (Central & South) Mexico 4 Yes GO
Asia China 1 No GO
Australia & Pacific Australia 3 Yes GO
Europe Germany 1 Yes GO
Holland 5 Yes
Other Blank Top 1 Yes GO
  Total Caps: 174    
Links Other crown cap sites 15 Yes GO
Trade Misc 0 Yes GO
  1. For purposes of this web site, bottle caps have been categorized by bottler location.
  2. This web presentation of my bottle caps is created with pictures like you see above.
  3. Crown cap details are displayed under the picture:
    1. Text on the cap face is first, preceeded by the label "Top:". A comma is
      inserted in the text for every line break.
    2. Text on the rim is next, if present, and is labelled with "Rim:". Often the rim
      contains a graphic of a crown with a letter designation, probably a crown maker
      or bottler logo. These graphics are represented with curly braces, or "{R}" for
      example, and all other text is presented relative to this symbol.
    3. Printing on the cork, or cork composition is noted with "Bottom:". Cork
      composition is listed only if it is not the standard white foam plastic. Other cork
      types are "Cork", and, "Plastic", and "Cork/Plastic".
  4. I have a lot of bottle caps in my collection and I may not know how to categorize them
    by country as I do not remember where I found them, or do not know where the bottler
  5. If I don't know where a crown is "officially" from, it will list where it was found.
  6. Each cap picture is formatted as a 72bpi GIF file, 100x100 pixels. The picture files range
    from 8 to 10KB each. No more than 48 pictures are placed on a single page, to help
    break up the download times, but, you may have to be patient for all the pictures to
    load on some of the pages.
  7. You may download these crown cap pictures for your own personal use, however,
    as a courtesy to me for using pictures that took me a long time to scan and format,
    I do ask that you give me credit where it is due, and, if used on the internet, provide
    a link back to my pages.
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Last edited: February 28th, 2011
Maintainer: Kevin R. Bulgrien