Kevin's Michigan Information, & Links Page

State of Michigan

State Flower

Apple blossom

In 1897 Michigan legislators, feeling that "a refined sentiment" called for the naming of a state flower, designated the apple blossom. Joint Resolution 10 of that year noted "one of the most fragrant and beautiful flowered species of apple, the pyrus coronaria, is native to our state." Legislators also proudly declared that "Michigan apples have gained a worldwide reputation." A century later, Michigan ranks second in the nation in apple production.

Web Sites The State of Michigan
Michigan Secretary of State License Plate
Michigan Senate Pages
Michigan House Pages
Michigan Senate Republicans
Northern Vacation Discussion Forum
"A community website for discussing vacation options in Michigan. Our target audience is people coming from Chicago or Detroit and we're trying to get discussions started about options in the area, experiences, favorite cities, etc."
Michigan Apple Committee
An interesting page about apples and Michigan
Michigan I/Net
A huge page of Michigan related links.
Michigan Marketplace, Inc.
A page of interesting Michigan links: lighthouses, cities, etc.
Northern Michigan Connection
A page of Michigan tourism links (especially upper peninsula).

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Last edited: April 15th, 2014
Maintainer: Kevin R. Bulgrien
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