Africa Birthed Many Happy Memories...

mamba.jpg African Travel Gateway - Focus on Zimbabwe mamba.jpg
Contains a cool picture of Century Park where we liked go as a family... Bulawayo (Page 1) At the top of this page you will also see Focus on Zimbabwe links to "Vic Falls", "Kariba", "Hwange", "Eastern Highlands", "Zambezi Valley", "South & East"...
If you take the time to look through them all, you will find some outstanding pictures of wildlife and other hidden gems on these pages. For example: South & East (page 2) Contains a cool overhead view of the Great Zimbabwe ruins...
blankpic.gif Africa Tour blankpic.gif
An awesome web site. This site give pictures and documentary on a tour of Africa. Africa Tour... Included are Victoria Falls, the Great Zimbabwe ruins, lots of wildlife pics, "Africa Extreme" (the world's highest commercial bungee jump at 111 meters at the center of the Victoria Falls bridge), and more...
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A well-documented set of pages on Zimbabwe. The General Description of the Summer Program contains a link to interesting background information on Bulawayo. The Background Information About Zimbabwe contains a link to the "fortress" which contains a brief, but interesting, description of how the Great Zimbabwe ruins fit into the picture. Summer Seminar in Zimbabwe... Quote: "The word Zimbabwe (plural madzimbabwe) is derived from the Shona words dzimba dza mabwe and means 'house of stone'. Archaeologists and historians believe that from the 13th to 15th centuries Great Zimbabwe was the capital for a large area in southern Africa."
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Zimbabwe page... No pictures here, but a wealth of interesting information including information about the Shona (majority) and Ndebele people groups and the roles they have played in the past. Also a great description of the white water rafting below Victoria falls. This appears to be one of the world's best white-water rafting tourist attractions. I have seen references to it on numerous pages including every URL I have listed here. For example, the "Focus on Zimbabwe" (Vic Falls page 2) contains a cool picture of a group of rafters. The "Africa Tour" site contains a reference to watching the rafters from the Victoria Falls bridge. The Arizona University page also links to a picture of white-water rafting. This site also has descriptions of Lake Kariba (where Mom was so fearful of the Hippos that came out of the water the night we were there), "Hwange National Park" (the game reserve we knew and loved as "Wankie National Park"), Great Zimbabwe, and more...
Other Africa Related Links
Web Sites
African Wildlife Resources
A site "developed to consolidate the growing number of information sources
relating to African wildlife and conservation available on the Internet."
A commercial site: "Having lived in the USA for over 13 years, we finally decided to do something about the recurring problem of replacing the old vellies when they wear out. We decided that it would be nice to be able to help friends resolve the problem at the same time..."
[ Vellies ]

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