Kevin's Page of Zambian Memories, Information, & Links

Flag of Zambia

THE FLAG OF ZAMBIA Hoisted for the first time at midnight, 23rd October, 1964, symbolizes patriotism and the nation's wealth. Its basic color is green with an orange colored eagle in flight over a rectangular block of three vertical stripes in red, black, and orange (left to right).
THE COLORS Red represents the struggle for freedom; black, the people of Zambia; orange, the country's mineral wealth; and green, the natural resources.
THE EAGLE The eagle in flight symbolizes the freedom in Zambia and the ability to rise above the country's problems.
OTHER NOTES The flag is to be flown only between the hours of sunrise and sunset.

It is interesting that the legislation concerning the flag, as amended in 1994, specifies that the flag is not free to be hoisted by anyone as he or she wishes - it may be flown by any person only on explicitly named public holidays (Africa Freedom Day, Heroes Day, Unity Day and Independence Day) and on other days as declared by the Minister.

On other occasions the flag is to be flown at government buildings, local government buildings, statutory board or corporation buildings, state-aided schools and finally on any motor car, boat or ship with the Minister of Government on board. The Minister may give permission for flying the flag on other occasions, as he sees fit.

National Anthem

Stand and Sing of Zambia, Proud and Free or Lumbanyeni Zambia is the national anthem. The tune is taken from the hymn "Nkosi Sikelel'i Afrika", or "God Bless Africa", composed in 1897 by Enoch Sontonga, a South African minister. The tune is also used in the national anthems of other African countries.

English Lyrics

      Stand and sing of Zambia, proud and free,
      Land of work and joy in unity,
      Victors in the struggle for the right,
      We have won freedom's fight.
      All one, strong and free.
      Africa is our own motherland,
      Fashion'd with and blessed by God's good hand,
      Let us all her people join as one,
      Brothers under the sun.
      All one, strong and free.
      One land and one nation is our cry,
      Dignity and peace 'neath Zambia's sky,
      Like our noble eagle in its flight,
      Zambia, praise to thee.
      All one, strong and free.
      Chorus (sung after third verse only)
      Praise be to God. 
      Praise be, praise be, praise be,
      Bless our great nation, 
      Zambia, Zambia, Zambia.
      Free men we stand
      Under the flag of our land.
      Zambia, praise to thee!
      All one, strong and free.

Bemba Lyrics

      Lumbanyeni Zambia, no kwanga,
      Ne cilumba twange tuumfwane,
      Mpalume sha bulwi twa cine,
      Twikatane bonse.
      Bonse tuli bana ba Africa,
      Uwasenaminwa na Lesa,
      Nomba bonse twendele pamo,
      Twikatane bonse.
      Fwe lukuta lwa Zambia lonse,
      Twikatane tubyo mutende,
      Pamo nga lubambe mu mulu,
      Lumbanyeni Zambia.
      Twikatane bonse.
      CHORUS (Sung After Third Verse Only)
      Lesa, Lesa, wesu,
      Apale calo,
      Zambia, Zambia, Zambia.
      Fwe bantungwa
      Mu luunga lwa calo.
      Lumbanyeni Zambia.
      Twikatane bonse.
Armorial Ensigns of Zambia
Much of Zambia and the country's way of life is symbolized in the coat of arms.

[ Zambian Coat of Arms ]

SHIELD Sable six pallets wavy argent. The black and white wavy bars in the shield represent the Victoria Falls.
SUPPORTERS On the dexter side a Zambian man in Bush shirt, short trousers and sandals and on the sinister side Zambian woman attired in traditional dress proper and both standing on a Compartment of vegetation thereon a Mine Shaft a Maize Cob and a Zebra trotting all proper.
The man and a woman are symbols of the African family.  The man's attire is that of a worker. The mielie cob, the shaft of a mine, and a zebra imposed on the national colours (green) symbolise natural resources (agriculture, minerals, game, the land).
MOTTO A scroll beneath the arms carries the national motto -- "One Zambia, One Nation".
BADGE (Shown surmounting the shield) An eagle head to the sinister or rising from a hoe and a pick in saltire proper
The hoe and the pick above the shield represent the labours of the people of Zambia in agriculture and mining.  The eagle represents the freedom of Zambia and the ability of the country to rise above its problems.

Feature Attractions

Zambian Stamp Images & Zambian Bottle Cap Pictures


If you want to see where Zambia is, look at this map...

I lived in the Choma area for about 6 years. Maybe you can find it on this map...

Web Chat ZamChat
A web chat site hosted by the National Homepage of Zambia.
[ ZamChat ]
Web Sites The National Homepage of Zambia
A site with news and other content. The site front page links many other web resources related to all things Zambian.
[ Zambia Online ]
Ministry of Tourism, Environment, and Natural Resources
[ U Of Zambia ]
University of Zambia [ U Of Zambia ]
Zambia National Broadcasting Company
[ ZNBC ]
Zambia National Tourism Board
"... explore Africa's finest Safaris, spectacular waterfalls, massive lakes, rich wetlands, big game, abundant birdlife, adrenaline rush activities and scenic splendour..."
[ ZNTB ]
The Lowdown
"... Zambia's Online Magazine..."
[ Lowdown Cover ]
There is a town in the middle of Zambia, in the Copperbelt, called Luanshya. This is a site for the lucky people who have lived there.
Spirit Of The Land
"The w_i_d_e view of zambia's stunning wild landscape
photography: stephen robinson"
[ Blank ]
Northern Rhodesia and Zambia
Photographs and Information from the Fifties and Sixties, Northern Rhodesia Journal, and a variety of other material.
[ Sunset ]
The Zambian
"Zambia's number one digital destination"
[ The Zambian ]
Zambia @
"Zambia, Africa at Zambian Website. Online portal for Zambia, Zambians & country friends Information map about Zambia Facts, people, news, travel & tourism, etc."
[ ] Zambia
A Norwegian Council on Africa site for articles about Zambia.
World labeled AFRICA
African Studies - Zambia
University of Pennsylvania's African Studies Resources
Earth from space - Africa
The Great North Road
Northern Rhodesians Worldwide.
Northern Rhodesia
ZamNet Communicationsi System Limited
This organization was the first provider of Zambia's Internet services.
ZamNet Logo
Hans Hendriksen's Zambia Photos
"Dutch travel photographer Hans Hendriksen with preference for daily-life impressions presents his Zambia Photogallery."
Cat with kill
Beck in Zambia
A personal site, but has a page on it with some humorous pictures that illustrate the cultural uniqueness that exists in places like Zambia.
[ Nice Moment ]
ZedStyle - Zambian Every Day
An interesting and graphically well-designed site with a variety of content including a Bemba dictionary, historical and geographical data, amongst other subjects. This site streams audio content too.
[ Elephants ]
"A Zambian who used to live in Ndola, now living in the USA." has a site with an interesting twist.
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Last edited: April 15th, 2014
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