Kevin's Business Related Links

Web Sites General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies

"General Dynamics SATCOM Technologies offers the full range of earth station and base station communications products and installation services. We specialize in fixed and mobile satellite communication gateways, antennas, high power amplifiers, baseband products, frequency converters, controls and microwave components - as well as offering design, engineering, integration, installation, and commissioning services."

VertexRSI Logo

Though presently not active, CompSupport was located in Longview, TX, and then in in San Antonio, Texas. This former employer provided professional information technology integration services to Texas schools and businesses. Having designed, implemented and maintained data networks since 1984, CompSupport provides experience in communications which is hard to beat in Texas educational markets. The owner still works in this field, but is currently employed by another firm. I made the graphic while working for CompSupport.

e*vergence animation
EDP Enterprises, Inc.

Provides about 100 Texas Independent School Districts with a UNIX server based administrative software suite. I used to work there doing OS and hardware support before and after Y2K, and have travelled all over the state.


I have lots of hardware and operating system experience with NCR System 3000 systems running NCR UNIX.

NCR Logo
LeTourneau University

My alma mater... I worked there for five years after I graduated - my main goal being to expand my "education" into the area of PC support. And what an education! Ever since then, my jobs have been getting better and better. :-)

My LeTourneau name badge

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Last edited: April 15th, 2014
Maintainer: Kevin R. Bulgrien
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