Rhodesian Memorabilia & Pictures...

New Year's Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Whit Monday
Rhodes Day
Founders Day
Pioneer Day
Republic Day
Independence Day
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
01 January
1st Mon in June
1st Monday in July
1st Tuesday in July
12 September
24 October
11 November
25 December
26 December
Rhodesian Official Holidays

Show Me
The Money!
Lots more
money from
around the
world here

Soot, Smoke,
and Memories!

When our family lived in Zambia, and
while I attended Hillside Junior School,
I rode the train from Victoria Falls to
Bulawayo at the beginning and ending
of every term. How I miss these huge,
wonderful locomotives.

Some more pictures can be viewed on
a Livingstone, Zambia Railway Museum

           Steam Locomotive
Vic Falls Rail Station Vic Falls rail station I remember this train station vividly!
As a schoolboy, I laid bottle caps on the rails
while waiting for a train, and was wowed by the
flattened, hot metal when the train smashed them
flat. Thanks to Ian Simmons for these snaps
that resurrected warm memories.

A Blast From a Bicycler's Past...
Bicycle License

Bicycle licence.

The yellow ones were issued to commercial bikes
(The ones with a basket in front).
Normal bicycles were issued a silver one.
You were fined if you did not have a bike licence.

A Memento on Becoming an "Official" Citizen of Rhodesia

Issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Signed by the Secretary to the Minister of Internal Affairs.

  My Duties as a Citizen of Rhodesia

  It is my duty to obey the laws of my country.

  It is my duty to hold myself available to join in the defense of my country
  in time of need.

  It is my duty to serve on a jury if called upon to do so.

  It is my duty to pay such taxes as may be levied.

  It is my duty to protect the good name of my country and to refrain from any
  action which may injure it.

  It is my duty to take an interest in national affairs and to use my vote conscientiously.

  It is my duty to enter into and associate myself with the social, economic and
  cultural life of my country.

  It is my duty to assist in the preservation of the natural beauty of my country
  and to conserve its soil, water and natural resources.

  It is my duty to be just, tolerant and courteous to my fellow countrymen, and to
  act for the peaceful co-existence of all communities.
  My Rights and Privileges as a Citizen of Rhodesia

  I have the right to live in Rhodesia.

  I have the right to acquire the qualifications entitling me to vote and to seek
  election to the Parliament of my country.

  I have the right to freedom of speech and conscience.

  I have the right to freedom of worship in the religion of my choice.

  I have the right to improve my position.

  I have the right to demand respect for my personal dignity, my liberty, my property
  and the privacy of my home.

  I have the right to join any lawful organisation of people with whom I have
  interests in common.

  I have the right to the protection of the courts of justice if ever my rights are
  impaired or threatened.

  I have the privilege of sharing in my country's natural resources.

  I have the privilege of contributing to my country's cultural and economic development.

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Last edited: April 15th, 2014
Maintainer: Kevin R. Bulgrien