Hmmm... Who is this character?...

I'm in a Rhodesian bird bath at Matopo Kevin & Kim, April 2000 I'm in my Hillside Junior School uniform
Sandusky High School - Alma Mater LeTourneau University - Alma Mater

Someone once made another web page for me.
He thought I needed a girlfriend... Check it out if you want to...

Well, you see that cutie pie next to me?
The web page didn't help, but being on Talk City did...

The page is hosted by Talk
City, which also had IRC chat.
Talk City To get people to look at your
page, you have to go chat...

If you want to get in touch with me when I am on-line,
you might consider using ICQ

Green flower Miribilis' ICQ Link Blue flower

My UIN is 3893356

I also occasionally use Netscape's AOL Instant Messenger
My ID is Rayvin001

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Last edited: April 15th, 2014
Maintainer: Kevin R. Bulgrien
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